The FABRIC Of being


Fabric VI, oil on wood panel, 100x160cm

Fabric XVI, oil on linen, 60x80 cm

Fabric XVIII, shadow box with oil on linen and wood panel, 130x90cm (photo by Daan Noppen)

Fabric XIV, oil on linen, 60x80cm

Fabric XVIII, shadow box with oil on linen and wood panel, 130x90cm (photo by Daan Noppen)

Fabric XVII, oil on linen, 60x80cm

Magic Square, oil on wood panel, 6x6cm


Fabric of being

Fabric of being is a series of oil drawings and paintings on panel set in wooden frames that have a sculptural quality to them. 

Human bodies and their movements play a central role in this engaging corpus of work. Their wretchedness evokes a direct emotional response in the spectator. The inhabitants of the paintings are trampled and lost. Noppen dramatically renders these melancholic figures languishing in the changing circumstances leading to their unavoidable end. 

The sculptures and geometry in both the paintings and drawings form an important part of Noppen’s work. They are scientific annotations, but the artist manipulates their visual nature into revealing our desires, our pain and our cry for love.